Monday, April 07, 2008

installation of tracegraph in windows

today for analyzing my outputs i had to install tracegraph in windows. As my tracegraph installation in linux failed. And i couldnt recover from it. So i decided to go for the installation in windows itself.

So i downloaded the tracegraph binaries for windows from this url

The i found that i needed matlab libraries for the tracegraph to work. So i downloaded the libraries called as mglinstaller.exe and did a simple installation and set the path as.


the then click on tracegraph.exe inside the unzipped folder. and the tracegraph would work.


Anwar said...

nice man... cool stuff. I thought i needed matlab for having tracegraph ... a simple google search showed me you in first rank and there you go boom... installed in less than a minute :D

Need some more help with a project... can you do some help?

A | Kha said...

I've download and unzip Tracegraph205. But there isn't a file named "tracegraph.exe". I just found "trgraph.exe". Is it the file that you mean? or.... I have made a mistake in downloading the installer?

chinna said...

Hi Sir...i am working with NS-2.29 for WSN simulation using MannaSim.I am able to generate .tcl files using MannaSim Script Generation tool for different protocols.I am facing problems with analysing simulation results for the same where i need to use Tracegraph/Traceconverter.I am fortunate that i found you blog. I am unable to download Tracegraph/Traceconverter software for windows.None of the download links are working for me .The link u provided above is also not working.Please suggest me any working download link or mail me the software.I really need to come out of this with a solution soon.It would be really helpfull if you let me out of this.
my email
Thanx in advance.

TSP said...

hey try these links for installing tracegraph software

Jyoti Rungta said...

Hi Everyone this is Jyoti from TechnoZonk.

We can develop any kind of simulation based on NS2.

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Unknown said...

please provide me a user manual for trace graph can i input a trace file to draw a graph..i installed it in ubuntu 12.04 but even after inputing a trace file it is not working..